The proposed scheme for 90 Long Acre, will provide an opportunity to consider the potential of a major mixed-use redevelopment of an entire block in the heart of Covent Garden.
Our proposed redevelopment will create a new urban landmark at an important civic junction between Long Acre and Endell Street, complementing one of the most distinct areas in central London for retail and tourism, annually attracting more visitors than New York City’s Times Square and characterised by a rich historic fabric and a tightly knit mix of uses KEY OBJECTIVES

- Demolish the existing building that represents little architecture merit and provides the opportunity to repair the damage created by the current street frontage and to offer a range of activities that will re-engage and re-activate the island site bound by Shelton Street to the north, Arne Street to the east, Long Acre to the south and Endell Street to the west;


- Provide a new mixed-use development of exceptional quality that will combine a contemporary office building (ground plus seven storeys), a residential building (ground plus eleven storeys), shops and a new public space that will enhance this entire site;


- Form a sustainable development combining high-quality building design, energy-efficiency and appropriate new technologies to minimise carbon emission levels;


- Create high-quality architecture that responds to and celebrates the site’s unique location and context;


- Extend the public realm, improving the pedestrian environment at the intersection of Long Acre and Endell Street and creating a new public space.



Copyright © 2014 90 Long Acre
DEVELOPMENT TEAM ﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯ Designed by PLP Architecture