Creating a Well-Scaled and Proportional Development


The size and mass of the proposed buildings relate specifically to the position of the office and residential buildings on the island site and their relationship to the urban context.


Much attention has focussed on creating a well-scaled development that is in harmony with the surrounding streetscape. Numerous townscape views have been considered with regard to the size of the development from neighbouring streets and in relation to local heritage assets.


A series of lower volumes sensitively align with the height of neighbouring buildings and the higher volumes respond to the taller elements on Long Acre and Arne Street.


The volumes recede from the street frontage to create set-backs on the upper levels providing animated terraces, external amenity spaces and shared gardens for the residents of the apartments. These recessed volumes provide restraint to the scale of the buildings when viewed from street level.


The detail and a range of materials will distinguish the façades, helping to alleviate the scale and to provide contrast to the buildings.






View along Endell Street Looking South East

Continuous Mass

Mass Restrained by Urban Pocket Spaces

Office Building


Three interlocking volumes comprise a four-storey base emphasising the ‘street wall’ along Long Acre and Endell Street; a three-storey set-back on the uppermost levels; and a third vertical element (the entrance to the office) providing a harmonious balance between horizontal and vertical gestures.


Residential Building


The base and recessed upper storeys incrementally set back from Shelton Street, Endell Street and Arne Street are articulated by a finer scale of facades.


The elevation overlooking Endell Street emphasises the principal set-back and the series of interlocking volumes or pattern created by the alternate set-backs of the building.

Residential Main

Residential Setback

Residential Taller

Office Main

Office Setback

Office Taller

Retail base



Massing Strategy with Terraces and Roofscapes

Relationship to Surrounding Low Buildings and Taller

Elements on Long Acre

Copyright © 2014 90 Long Acre
Designed by PLP Architecture