Re-connecting the Urban Fabric


1. Significantly improve the street environment that currently fails to engage the public realm;

2. Create a new open space and a widened pavement at the corner of Long Acre and Endell Street to mitigate the risk of congestion and accommodate stationary activities related to pedestrian wayfinding, shopping and office activities;

3. Remove moats and light-wells around the perimeter of the site to increase pavement widths and facilitate pedestrian movement;

4. Introduce a range of shops, providing active frontages and attracting pedestrian circulation around the site;

5. Animate the ground floor and  initiate natural surveillance with strategically placed entrances to the office and residential buildings;

6. Provide a new urban pocket space at the heart of the site that serves as a managed public oasis and an amenity for residents and tenants.

Existing Street Level and Internal Spaces

Material Precedents

Improved Pedestrian Environment and Urban Pocket Space

View of the Urban Pocket Space from Endell Street

Copyright © 2014 90 Long Acre
Designed by PLP Architecture