Meeting Environmental, economic and social challenges




90 Long Acre seeks to maximise sustainability through meticulous attention to architectural detail, excellence in engineering design and implementation of appropriate energy strategies.


Energy efficiency has been fully addressed:  the truly excellent thermal performance of the buildings will lead to low space heating demands; a reduced hot water demand through fittings which restrict water use and, uniquely in London, the use of waste-heat from the office building cooling-plant to pre-heat the hot water in the residences.


Water efficiency will be achieved through efficient fittings and, most important in London, rainwater may be harvested to flush toilets and reduce stress on the local water system.


The proposal includes a number of green and brown roofs and renewable energy technologies include an array of photovoltaic modules accommodated on the roofs. The photovoltaics will provide electricity to both the residential and the office buildings, having no detrimental effect on the environment.


The servicing strategy office building includes:


- Gas-fired low NOx condensing boilers for space heating and domestic hot water;

- Turbocore water-cooled chillers serve the CHW system to provide space cooling. Heat is rejected via open circuit cooling towers at roof level;

- Air handling units fitted with rotary heat exchangers for optimum efficiency at basement level filter and condition air drawn via louvers on the courtyard façade and extracted via louvers on the Arne Street façade;

- Energy and carbon reduction targets will be achieved by passive measures including thermal performance of the building envelope and extremely low air permeability.


The servicing strategy for the residential building includes:


- Air source heat pumps at roof level providing both heating and cooling to a central pipework loop and connecting into heat interface units within the apartment.

- Gas-fired low NOx condensing boilers shall provide additional heat to the domestic hot water circuit to achieve required temperatures

- Space heating will be provided by a wet underfloor heating system.

- Each apartment will be provided with a mechanical ventilation heat recovery unit. Fresh air intake and exhaust air discharge will occur locally for each dwelling via grilles on the façade. The ventilator will be fitted with a heat exchanger to transfer heat between intake and extract air streams.

- Energy and carbon reduction targets will be achieved by passive measures including thermal performance of the building envelope and extremely low air permeability.


Although, there is no district heating network to which the proposed development could connect immediately,  capped pipe work would be installed to the boundary of the site to facilitate connection to any future, low carbon district heating source.


The proposal for the office building has received an indicative Energy Performance Asset Rating of B (A+ being the most energy efficient). All dwellings will meet The Code for Sustainable Homes level 4, the office building will target an ‘Excellent’ BREEAM rating and the retail a ‘Very Good’ rating for the Environmental Assessment Method that sets the standard for best practice in sustainable building design, construction and operation: an excellent achievement considering the site constraints and restrictions on the urban locale.


Waste and Storage


A carefully planned and managed waste management strategy for the offices, residential and retail development facilitates the removal and storage of waste in the two basement levels. The waste will then be collected by the local authority at a pre-arranged time from the waste presentation area in the off-street loading bay on Arne Street, the least populated street.


Residential waste, deposited in a refuse chute hopper accessed within dedicated service lobbies will be separated in collection rooms and stored in a waste storage area in basement level two.  The bins and oversized waste such as cardboard boxes are then moved via a goods lift to the loading bay waste presentation area.


Similarly, office waste taken in bins via the goods lift, will be separated, compacted and transported via the waste lift to the waste presentation area.


Retail waste will be compacted and stored in the dedicated enclosure in Basement 1 and Basement 2, and taken at a prearranged time via service corridors and the waste lift to the loading bay for collection. It is assumed that commercial waste will be collected by a licensed contractor.


Deliveries will also take place in this dedicated service yard, removing such current activity from Long Acre and Shelton Street.

Site Transport and Parking


The transport strategy is based on maximising opportunities for users and visitors to travel to the development by sustainable transport.


The site is highly accessible within Covent Garden and new employees, residents and visitors may take advantage of bus routes, London Underground stations at Covent Garden, Leicester Square and Holborn as well as the National Rail station at Charing Cross.


The proposal integrates improved footways with the recently improved public realm in Long Acre; high-quality cycle facilities within the site for the residents and office/retail staff; and basement car parking for the residents of the apartment building accessed via two car lifts off Shelton Street.

Retail Entrance

Office Entrance

Office/ Retail Entrance, Cyclists

Residential Entrance

Residential Entrance, Cyclists

Fire Exit

Vehicular Traffic, Loading Bay

Vehicular Traffic, Residents

Street Level Pedestrian and Vehicular Access and Servicing

Copyright © 2014 90 Long Acre
Designed by PLP Architecture